Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3 of my GRANDS playing wedding in the garden.
Jared and his sweet friend Kyla.
All my GRAND-daughters doing Sunday dinner dishes.
This Tuesday morning I have decided to blog so some of you can see my GRANDS pictures. I think most of you know that my boy, Brian, and his family have moved to Washington. Of course it breaks this Grampapas hearts, but guess that is life. Anyway this past week end DIL Beth, and the kids came down on business. Sure enjoyed them, but oh, how I missed my boy being with them. Sunday dinner all of the kids, except Brian, were around our dinner table. Also privileged to have Jareds friend, Kyla Loucks to join us. Hopefully there will be a picture on here of them. Also the GRANDGIRLS washed, dried, and put away the dishes! One plus with the Grands growing up LOL. Beth, Nettie, and I did a lot of shopping and eating out. Bruce Ernest & Papa just hung around together and got in a good duck hunt. Jared, of course, spent his time with Kyla.

We had our first frost last night. Papa picked some tomatoes last night so I have those to put up. Somehow I hurt my back so have an excuse not to do that yet, but as soon as the Darvocet I took kicks in, the excuse will have to go.

Sunday afternoon the Grandgirls had fun playing wedding. Be sure to notice the imaginary groom and the imaginary attendants with the girls in the wedding party! :) They had a garden wedding under my morning glory trellis, which also Bruce Ernest helped Papa to put back up. The wind had blown it over. I will have to have my daughter post the pictures now. Thank you, KK. What would I do without you?

Guess that is it for my Braggin' Grampapa Blog for this time!!